Search Results "Real-Time Scheduler" - all Bücher, CDs, LPs und mehr

We could not find any exact matches to your search for "Real-Time Scheduler". Maybe these items match your search.


Giorgio Buttazzo
Hard Real-Time Computing Systems

This book is a basic treatise on real-time computing, with particular emphasis on predictable scheduling algorithms. The main objectives of the book are to introduce the basic concepts of real-time comput…

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Current price: EUR 69.33

Advances in Real-Time and Autonomous Systems

The 15th International conference on "Autonomous Systems" is addressing an important topic for computing systems and communication networks due to increasingly complex environments they are working in. Th…

deliverable within 2-3 weeks
Previous price EUR 219.03, reduced by 9%
Current price: EUR 197.13

K. C. Wang
Embedded and Real-Time Operating Systems

This book covers the basic concepts and principles of operating systems, showing how to apply them to the design and implementation of complete operating systems for embedded and real-time systems. It inc…

deliverable within 2-3 weeks
Current price: EUR 90.66

Zhiwu Li, Xi Wang
Scheduling and Reconfiguration of Real-Time Systems

This book presents a methodology for the real-time scheduling problems of real-time systems (RTS) from the viewpoint of control theory. Generally, any system can be viewed as an RTS if it performs real-ti…

deliverable within 2-3 weeks
Current price: EUR 186.19

Simulation Techniques of Digital Twin in Real-Time Applications

The book gives a complete overview of implementing digital twin technology in real-time scenarios while emphasizing how this technology can be embedded with running technologies to solve all other issues.…

deliverable within 2-3 weeks
Current price: EUR 243.11

Talbi Mourad
Modeling of Photovoltaic Systems and Real-Time Implementation

This book discusses photovoltaics and details the modelling of photovoltaics systems. The author demonstrates this modelling using Matlab/Simulink and also Proteus (ISIS). The author first shows the emplo…

deliverable within 2-3 weeks
Current price: EUR 54.75

Real-Time Communication: The Backbone of Collaborative Work and Learning

Forget siloed work and delayed learning. "Real-time communication" has emerged as the crucial backbone of collaboration in today's dynamic world. Imagine a classroom where ideas bounce back and forth in r…

deliverable within 2-3 weeks
Current price: EUR 26.10

Tony Allen & Hugh Masekela

Product Information Tony Allen & Hugh Masekela will release their very special collaborative new album »Rejoice« through World Circuit. The record will be the first posthumous release from Masekela, who…

Item in stock
Current price: EUR 13.99

Young Ip Man: Crisis Time

1917 kommt der junge Ip Man zum ersten Mal nach Hongkong, um zu studieren, aber sein friedliches Campusleben wird unerwartet unterbrochen. Eine schockierende Geiselnahme ereignet sich an dem Tag, als die …

Item is in stock at our supplier and can be shipped immediately.
Current price: EUR 9.99

Tony Allen & Hugh Masekela
Rejoice (180g)

Product Information Tony Allen & Hugh Masekela will release their very special collaborative new album »Rejoice« through World Circuit. The record will be the first posthumous release from Masekela, who…

Item in stock
Current price: EUR 29.99

Miss May I
Curse Of Existence

Die Männer von Miss May I waren High-School-Schüler, als sie die New Wave Of American Heavy Metal-Fackel aufgriffen, die von Bands wie Killswitch Engage, Lamb Of God und All That Remains entzündet wurde. …

Item in stock
Current price: EUR 10.99

Miss May I
Curse Of Existence (Limited Edition) (Silver Vinyl)

Die Männer von Miss May I waren High-School-Schüler, als sie die New Wave Of American Heavy Metal-Fackel aufgriffen, die von Bands wie Killswitch Engage, Lamb Of God und All That Remains entzündet wurde. …

deliverable within one week
Current price: EUR 27.99

Girls & Panzer - This is the Real Anzio Battle! OVA (Blu-ray)

Das lang ersehnte Match: Oarai vs. Anzio, sogar in doppelter Episodenlänge! Kommandantin Anchovis, 'Duce' und Anführerin der Anzio High School schwört ihre Kameradinnen auf das kommende Match gegen die…

deliverable within one week
Blu-ray Disc
Previous price EUR 23.99, reduced by 37%
Current price: EUR 14.99
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